How many dgs are there in the european commission

A very rewarding experience. Read Eleni's testimonial. Dynamic, enriching and international. Read Simon's testimonial. Inspiring, challenging, demanding, entertaining. Read Pietro's testimonial. Budget for future. Read Aleksander's testimonial. Meeting wonderful people from all over Europe. Read Cassandra's testimonial. Fun, work, amazing people.

Read Sandra's testimonial. Enriching, challenging, networking, fun. Read Yvette's testimonial. A fantastic learning experience. Read Cosmin's testimonial. Valuable, fun, eye-opening. Read Victoria's testimonial.

Hard work! Read Jeanne's testimonial. Professionally and personally fulfilling. The JRC is composed of seven scientific institutes :. Agencies are staffed by a combination of EC civil servants and experts drawn from regulatory authorities in EU member countries, who together are responsible for such implementation functions as test guideline development, regulatory hazard and risk assessments, provision of objective scientific advice to EU institutions and member countries, and maintenance of transparent communications with the regulated community, stakeholders, and the public.

Approaches to minimize animal testing for REACH include data sharing and the use of alternative test methods. The EFSA Applications Helpdesk provides access to the current guidance documents applicable to the risk assessment of the products it reviews, including those for pesticides , food ingredients , feed additives , and food contact materials.

European Medicines Agency The European Medicines Agency EMA is responsible for the protection and promotion of human and animal health through the scientific evaluation of medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies for use in the European Union.

It began operating in and is based in London. However, many Europeans do not have adequate digital skills. There is also low representation of women in tech-related professions and studies, with only 1 in 6 ICT specialists and 1 in 3 science, technology, engineering and mathematics STEM graduates being women. It offers information and resources on digital skills, as well as training and funding opportunities. Europe also faces a shortage of digital experts who can develop cutting-edge technologies for the benefit of all citizens.

A strong digital economy powered by Europeans with digital skills is vital for innovation, growth, jobs, and European competitiveness. The spread of digital technologies is having a massive impact on the labour market and the type of skills needed in the economy and in society.

Member States, business, training providers, the European Commission and other organisations need to work together to tackle the digital skills gap.

Surveillance and disease data Annual epidemiological reports EU summary reports on rabies. Latest outputs Reports and news Peer-reviewed publications. Peer-Reviewed Publication Integrated data collection on zoonoses in the European Union, from animals to humans, and the analyses of the data May Apr


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