Why do people hate shane victorino

It was nothing. As far as criticism in this town goes, it was pretty mild - the equivalent of getting sweet peppers on your hate hoagie instead of hot. Shane Victorino still had a hard time digesting it. When I hear things like that, it eats me. I see. Jimmy [Rollins] used that word. I'm not going to use it, but you know what I'm talking about. See what he did there? He didn't use the word and yet he knows that we know what he's talking about.

Very clever, Shane. Wonder who's writing his material these days? Victorino was not-so-subtly referring to how Rollins called Philly fans "front-runners" two years ago on national television. For what it's worth, Victorino backtracked the next day and told reporters, "I love the fans here.

It has a negative connotation and implies that Philly fans - just like the saps in St. Louis, the meatheads in Miami, and the dolts in Dallas - support the team only when it's winning. That seems like a pretty good time to support a team, but there's some nuance here that Victorino and other athletes often miss. He took our second baseman completely out of the game.

Some people probably view that as a good, hard-nosed play. Other people probably have the opinion it was dirty; he could have done it differently and still gotten the same result. If you deem as a team that it's a dirty play, then you should take action. You've got to protect your teammates, for one. And you've got to show the other team you're not going to roll over and let them step on your neck. That's just part of the game. Any game. You don't want to ever be a team that has the reputation you can be kicked around and you're going to go back into the dugout at the end of the game with your tail between your legs.

Why We Hate Him: While being interviewed by Evan Roberts and the indomitable Joe Beningo on their radio show on December 11th, , Cole Hamels was somewhat goaded into calling the Mets "choke artists", because of their and collapses. According to Hamels, "For the past two years they've been choke artists Last year and this year, I think we did believe that.

Three years ago, we didn't because they smoked everybody, and I think we all thought they were going to win it all. Unfortunately that didn't happen. But, yeah, that's kind of what we believed and I think we're always going to believe that until they prove us wrong. There certainly is some resentment towards Hamels because of the fact that, in , , and , he was their main workhorse ace, responsible for the Phillies eeking into the playoffs in over the Mets, and being lights-out in the post-season, resulting in a Philladelphia championship.

A day after Hamels pitched an impressive eight innings against the Washington Nationals , striking out 13 batters, John Maine had a masterful performance, arguably the best in his entire career, throwing 7. Upon notching his 14th strike out, the normally even-handed and neutral Gary Cohen exclaimed, "Take that, Cole Hamels!

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You are a big reason Phillies fans can celebrate. My brother and I were just talking about how you just seem to be in the middle of everything and how you play hard every day! Now get them to ink you a new deal. You deserve it! A job well done. Thanks for the great fun you provided us. Thank you for playing so hard all season! It feels like a dream that we won after 28years we finnaly did it! Know you rest and enjoy your family. Have fun at the parade.

Before the end of the game, someone thought to put a very interesting photo on the screen. It was a picture of something on top of the Comcast building. It was a picture of a small statue of William Penn overlooking the entire city and I knew that the curse was over. My son, who was watching the games with me also noticed something else which boded well for the Phils. I knew you would win. Thanks for all the hard work. You guys are super. My eyes hurt from crying so much.

I was overwhelmed with joy. So much suffering ended with the last pitch. Enjoy every minute and thanks for bringing us our miracle. For my beloved Phils -especially you ohana Shane remember this.

Congrats Shane and congrats Phillies. What a team!!! See you on Broad Street Joan B. Show these pig-ignorant, self-important, whiny New Yorkers how it feel when the team that deserves to win, wins. If it were Saturday, I could make it. Congratulations to you and the whole team!!!

You guys did it!!!!!!!!!! The entire city of Philadelphia thanks you!!!!! This is something that this city has needed for a long time. I can still remember in when I was only 7 years old winning the World Series and how wonderful it was. This is even better!!!!!!!!! I have been a die hard Phillies Phan for my entire life as well as a season ticket holder.

My father lives and breaths baseball so I had no choice growing up, I HAD to love the Phillies as much as he does lol………. I already told my kids they are not going to school tomorrow and we will be at the parade celebrating along with you and your teammates.

This is something that I have been waiting for and I would not miss it for the world!!!!!!! You are the best, the champs!!!!!!!!! Hey Shane! My husband and friends have been there in Clearwater and in the stands in Philly. You have given us wonderful memories that we will cherish for years to come.

Thank you and the team for exemplifying all that is wonderful in baseball and thanks for the memories. Congratulations on being World Champions!!! Dear Shane, We believed and you guys delivered. What an exciting ride. Had a hard time watching that last inning last night, my heart was thumping.

Victory is sooooo sweet. You deserve it. Freys office. I have an picture with you and his girls on my desk. You are baseball, every pitch, run and out mattered in the end and you all delivered. Love Ya, Jeannie. Congrats Shane to you and all of the Phillies!

I was born two years too late to witness , and I am so proud of you guys and thrilled to see you take it all now. I was watching the game with friends in my current residence of Washington, DC, and just started screaming when that last out happened. Thank you for an absolutely amazing season that no Philadelphian will ever forget. I came in to work this morning and everyone is happy and still celebrating.

Shane, take time to feel the moment and enjoy your most glorious victory! You are the best. Thank YOU for letting us be apart of your incredible journey!

Alll the excitement that has completely engulfed Philadelphia in the last few weeks actually gets us somewhere, for once. What an awesome season of phollowing you guys right to that beautiful phinish!

What a great bunch of guys to share in this memory phorever. I was a young kid in and phollowed every game and never phorgot. Phinally, now my own kids get to embrace that same pheeling we all had then. Your blogs, Shane, are so great. Loved keeping up with you on the road to Phillies victory. Oh yeah, see ya at the parade!!!! Congrats on what was an awesome win! I was there Monday, sick as a dog, but still cheering you all on.

You all deserve this! I am so proud of you and the talent of this team! Thank you for your tenacity, aggressiveness, hard work and spunk that helps give our team the energy it needs to win! You deserve the rest so enjoy it! Oh — and an early congrats on your wedding!! Wow, is all i can say. Hey Shane!! I must say watching the excitement you bring to the field as well as your other teammates only shows the dedication you have for the game.

We are truely proud to call you a part of our Philadelphia Family!!!!! Enjoy the championship- you put up one heck of a fight for it!!! You broke the curse!!!! Love u guys…. Tiffany williamstown NJ. Mahalo Shane! My dreams have come true, there is parade down Broad Street. See you tomorrow, along with a million other Phillies Phaithful. You were absolutely incredible this entire postseason.

Without the Phils never would have made it to the world series. And it is only fittig tthat you drove in the 2 runs to take the lead in game 5 and getting the hit to bring the runner to third! Enjoy every moment of this because, being from Philly, it could be another quarter century before we get to do this again. Congratulations Shane and all of your teammates!!! Thank you for an absolutely incredible season and for letting me cry tears of joy.

You are the best and I have been singing your praises all season long. Thank you to the Phillies for everything!!!!!

I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shane, I have truly enjoyed your blog. I want to congratulate the entire team from Charlie on down to the players that just sat on the bench and cheered the rest of you on.

I am so very proud of all of you. And how great that you won it at home for the Phans and the City of Philadelphia. Enjoy your off-season and the upcoming Holidays! Pat ricia. Shane, Congrats! To you and all the Fighthing Phillies team. I am so proud to have watched my team all season. So well deserved to all of you. Shane continue to hold your head up high as you always do. My 82 year old grandmother and I both October 31st Halloween babies.

This will be with out a doubt an unforgetable birthday to share with her and the Champions that we love so much. Thank you for the effort. Thank you for the results.

Thank you for blogging it all. Soak it in baby! You did it, and now we can all celebrate together. Adam Boyce Harrisburg, PA jetstopa hotmail. Way To Go, Shane!!!

You and the rest of the team made this city proud. And it was. What i am I gonna do without watching you guys every week and getting my Shane fix lol. Enjoy every moment! Love from, Jennifer -NJ-. How great is this???

Makes all the ups and downs worth it! Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!! Congratulations to all on your great Season! Congratulations To All The Phillies!!!! Congrats Shane to you and your teammates. You all gave us Phillies fans a wonderful ride and an electrifying World Series win. I am so proud to be a Phillies fan … win or lose. But it is so much sweeter with our new World Series Trophy.

I was born a Phillies fan. You all did a wonderful job getting here. You all contributed and picked each other up when the other was not doing so good. Enjoy the parade. I will be watching! I am so happy for Pat Burrell with his double to help us get the winning run. He and all you guys made it extra special. Hawaii is my favorite vacation spot for its beauty and special people.

We Phillies fans are lucky to have you on our team. Thank you all!!! Enjoy the parade!!! You guys earned it!!! Bruddah Shane, Oh…there is nuttin like da kine smell of sweet victory!!!! I live in Kansas but you would think we was in Philly. I was going nuts!! My Grandma is 87, and she said that was the happiest day of her life. Do you ever come to Kansas? We would sure like to meet you. I wish I could go back home too!

What an amazing night for this city! Broad street was amazing as expected. Were all so very proud to call ourselves Phillies fans. You deserve this! My hats are off to The Tampa Bay Rays they are a great ball club and I look foward to seeing them next season as well. As for now enjoy every moment of this! Have a great off season. Stay safe and healthy. See you Friday!

Such an uplifting event in such a questionable and scary time. Congratulations on bringing home Philadelphia a championship. I was born on Nov. I have been waiting my whole life for this. I used to go to alot of games with my dad. Now my husband and I take our son who is 2. You all deserve a vacation. Your fans forever,. Congrats Shane! But I will continue celebrating here:.

Shane you guys did it. The dispatchers for the Maui Police Department cheered for you all the way and we had faith in you.

You did it! We did it! You guys all did it! Wow, that was so amazing!! Congratulations, Shane, and to everyone on the team as well. I was so happy, I almost wanted to cry! I could see that some of you guys were the same way. I was so happy for Charlie. So sweet. Go Phillies!!!

I always had faith that you all would win it. Congratulations again, and thank you. Thank you for giving your ALL and making season an unforgettable one….. Keep smiling………. Congratulations on a season victorious! You have plenty of time over the off-season for that. Thanks so much for doing this blog and allowing the fan ohana to come together online with stories, tributes, words of encouragement and pride in our TEAM.

It is sinking in for us all. What an extraordinary ride. Well, I am certainly glad to have made this trip in from The Big Island and will be part of the throng down Broad tomorrow.

Da Curse is gone! Come have some smoothies and musubi with us in Kona when you get back home. This is truly awesome! Thank you Shane for being awesome.

Thank you to the whole team, you guys played an awesome season. Shane: Congratulations!! What a season. Enjoy the parade, you guys deserve it. Thank you and the Philadelphia Phillies for allowing my son to have this experience, he is a huge Phillies fan and to see his reaction last night was priceless and one I will always remember.

It feels so good to say that. Thanks so much and my most heartfelt congratulations to you and your teammates. This is my proudest moment as a fan, and no one can ever take that away. Holy crap Shane, congratulations to you and all of the guys!!!!!! I am so excited, and so incredibly proud of and happy for all of you!! What a great moment. I knew you guys were going to do it this year!! I am so excited for the parade tomorrow….

I will be there screaming for you guys!! Love you lots!! We are the champs!!!! Way to go Phillies!!! Shane you are the best you really get the game going when we are down. Your hard work has phinally paid off. Thank you for the excitement! Mahalo a nui for all the great moments during the World Series and the season!

Its been quite a ride for me to watch another Hawaiian achieve greatness. I had just joined the military and hardly anyone knew that Hawaii athletes played baseball or for that matter any sports.

Now, athletes from Hawaii are known the world over. His mother knew his tender side, his willingness to come after games, still in uniform, and help her with her second job -- cleaning office buildings -- until well after midnight. At home, she saw a thoughtful boy who would go on to be an Eagle scout, who knew how to balance a checkbook by the time he was But most simply saw a poor sport with a horrendous attitude who teetered on the brink of disaster.

Victorino was desperate to keep pace with older brother Mike, four and a half years older than him, and when he couldn't, he resorted to pushing, kicking, punching, even biting. One year, when his father was the director of the soccer program, Shane scored a goal, flipped off the parents of the opposing team and tried to pick a fight with its coach. Ane, the head coach at St. O'Brien, Ane's assistant, also worked closely with Victorino, stressing, above all, self-discipline. When you got him directed in the right way, he was great.

Victorino's exceptional speed and dexterity left coaches tugging at him from all sides. He played soccer, football, basketball and baseball and ran track and field.

In his senior season, he won the state championship in the , and meters; his meter time of The baseball stadium was adjacent to the track, so once the game ended, Victorino would sprint through the parking lot to the track, shedding his glove, uniform and cleats as he went.

His mother allowed the sports as long as Shane kept meeting with his doctors and counselors. The battle for self-control continued, with many potholes along the path to maturity. He liked to think he knew better than you. It was hard for him to hear, 'No, we're doing it this way.

Victorino played wing back and defensive back, returned kicks and punted. One day in practice, Ane instructed the team what to do when there was a bad snap punting out of the end zone. The choices included taking a safety or trying to knock the ball out of the end zone.

By the time Victorino was a senior, O'Brien, who was also his world history teacher, went to all of the kid's games, "because I knew it would be over soon, and I didn't want to miss it. He saw Victorino, a forward in soccer, dribble to the far right corner with three defenders in pursuit then somehow, some way, come out with the ball. He saw him dominate a game against a school twice the size of St.

Anthony's, but not before he drew a yellow card, then a red card, which meant an automatic ejection. As he moved to the sideline, Victorino angrily ripped off his jersey. Joycelyn covered her face. She couldn't bear to watch anymore. She half expected to hear the roar of another dustup, but When she finally looked up, her son was sitting on the sideline, talking with his coach. The years have come and gone.

He is still on medication for ADHD and keeps in touch with his doctors regularly.


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