Citing cultural supremacy, France has banned Muslim women from wearing a veil in public--enforcing a government-mandated dress code. Yet, France strangely applies a different standard to justify publishing vitriolic anti-Islam cartoons. Our image in many Muslim majority nations is that of a people who support dictators when convenient for oil and economic gain and overthrow them when not--all the while preaching the free speech, democracy, and freedom that we don't practice.
But lest we be guilty of speaking in generalities, "they" who hate us, still actually represent the vast minority of the Muslim world. Last June, several dozen Muslim leaders representing numerous different Islamic organizations convened at a Capitol Hill summit on Islam and world peace.
His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community delivered the keynote address, after which the House passed a bipartisan resolution commending him for promoting "individual and world peace, and individual and world justice. Congressman Keith Ellison added, "We're honored by your presence Free speech is crucial to any society's growth and maturation--but must be exercised responsibly.
And since true freedom abhors enforced civility, Muslims must actively educate themselves. Ignorance to America's free speech principles and anger at America's unjust foreign policy are not excuses for Muslims to respond to mockery with violence. Islam categorically forbids such violence. Prophet Muhammad, accordingly, demonstrated a life of patience in the face of insults and persecution--even forgiving those who previously attempted to assassinate his person.
Our membership includes a network of over 1. Join for FREE today and begin receiving our exclusive members only daily email and content. Join for FREE today and begin receiving our exclusive members-only daily email and content. They want to destroy our country because they hate it…and now we have proof.
Fourth, our killing of Osama bin Laden is viewed as the cold-blooded murder of one of their most revered leaders. If Islamic soldiers assassinated one of our greatest heroes, how would we respond? And so, bin Laden may be dead, but radical Islam is far from dead.
We had better wake up to reality. Townhall columnists Michael Brown. Media and Culture. Share Tweet. View Cartoon. In fact, many scholars are beginning to call it the long war. I am afraid that it is simply going to be part of life in the 21st century. Denison, who founded the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture in , suggests the United States continue to build relationships with moderate Muslim nations, encourage democracy in the world, promote economic progress in the Muslim world, help negotiate peace in the Middle East, and remain vigilant against terrorist threats.
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