Can I keep eagle feathers and eagle parts? No, it is illegal for any individual to keep a bald or golden eagle , including its parts feathers , feet, egg shells etc. State, tribal, and other permits may be needed as well. A federal law prohibits non-Native Americans from possessing bald eagle parts, including feathers.
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, amended several times since its passage in , prohibits anyone without a federal permit from disturbing, taking or possessing eagle parts, eggs or nests. Not only are all hawk feathers illegal to have for anyone but permitted Native American persons , but almost all native bird feathers are illegal to have.
It IS legal to possess feathers from non-native birds, so long as they are not critically endangered species. Permits to obtain eagles or eagle parts are issued by the Fish and Wildlife Service. Only enrolled members of a Federally recognized tribe can obtain a permit. The permit authorizes the recipient to receive and possess eagle feathers from the Repository for religious purposes.
The following must be presented when applying for an eagle possession permit:. On the application, you must specify whether you want a golden or bald eagle, a mature or immature bird, a whole bird or specific parts, or have no preference.
You must provide a current telephone number so the Repository staff can contact you by telephone when your order is ready to ship. Because of the large demand and limited supply, each applicant can apply for only one whole eagle or specific parts equivalent to one bird i. Some laws and guidance are specific for members of federally recognized tribes, whereas other laws and guidance are aimed at the general public.
Please select the group that is most appropriate for your needs below. For hundreds of years Native Americans and Alaskan Natives have used eagle feathers for religious and cultural purposes. You may find an overview of possession of eagle feathers and parts by Native Americans here.
In recognition of the significance of these feathers to Native Americans, the U. The Repository helps fulfill religious requests of federally recognized tribes and their members.
The Repository provides information for enrolled Native Americans to obtain bald or golden eagles or their parts. General information on this process can be found by visiting the Repository's website. Detailed information on how to submit a request for eagle feathers and parts can be found on the Repository's FAQ page.
Application forms can also be found on our Eagle Permit Form s page. You can check on current wait times to fulfill feather and eagle parts requests on the Repository's website. If this is a first request, you can contact your regional Migratory Bird Permit Office to check on the status of your permit application.
If you regional office has processed your permit, or this is not your first feather request, you can contact the National Eagle Repository Directly: repository fws. In , the Department of Justice clarified that they would not seek to prosecute tribal members who, among other actions, pick up naturally fallen or molted feathers found in the wild, without disturbing birds or their nests. A news release on this policy can be found on the Department of Justice's Tribal Justice and Safety site, as well as a Memorandum of the Policy.
Tribal members, under certain circumstances, may keep eagle remains discovered by tribal members on tribal lands. The Service may return eagle remains to federally recognized tribes after appropriate necropsy, if applicable, rather than sending them to the National Eagle Repository when:.
The tribe must apply for and receive a permit before to receiving and and distributing the eagle remains. This permit is currently under development; the permit application will be posted once available.
Pluck all the feathers and give them to your child. Wrap the bird in bacon. Place bird on grill and cook until medium rare. Eat bird. The circle of life continues. I live in rural Missouri farmland. We have all sorts of raptors here including Bald Eagles. I own hundreds of acres and come across Bald Eagle feathers all the time.
I do pick them up as well as whitetail deer shed antlers. They are on my property and according to the law , every rock, twig, blade of grass and scoop of dirt belongs to me.
It really is absurd. My property is mine. If a meteorite landed in my field, it literally becomes my meteorite, just as all rainwater that falls on my head and wets me becomes a part of me.
Government overreach, possession of a feather is not proof of harm to the bied that shed the feather. I know this law. It is as f…. Anyone who wishes to honor the death of birds with ceremony or crafting of sacred items like medicine shields and other american indian artifacts may surely do so. The treaty was to prevent sales of feathers from endangered species not to prevent the local woodsman from collecting sacred feathers for non commercial purposes.
America, the stupid. Look at trump. You are so wrong. Do you know the difference between the Canada geese sub species? Probably not. You would look at them and not notice that one species is much larger then the others in the flock. Or that one is much smaller. Never called Canadian goose. There are many different races,some more rarer than the next.
There is the aluetian Canada goose and the Pacific,the Richardson,cackling,dusky, the lesser and the greater. They all look like Canada geese but they are all different.
Some are rarer than others. At on time the greater Canada was thought to be extinct. Hunted out. And so it goes with many species. Hope this helps in understanding the whys and wherefore.
With that line of thinking, everything fun would end up being illegal eventually. Deer can be poached, better outlaw deer hunting. Lots of good dark viewing spots for astronomy are on private property, better outlaw awesome telescopes. Underage person could get a hold of that beer, better make alcohol illegal. How is making it illegal for me to pick feather up from my yard going to help the birds? AJ: The same way keeping law abiding citizens from owning guns is going to keep guns out of the hands of drug lords and Chicago gang bangers.
That has nothing to do with what he is saying. He is saying that this law is too strickt. It would make more sense if they knew how to tell if a bird feather was ripped out of the bird rather than it falling out. And i am sure theres a way to tell because you can tell if a hair is ripped out of an animal or person by the way the hair looks from close up. For all I care, go drink yourself into oblivion. Your just as bad as the poachers. This law needs to be changed, if you have one feather from a wild bird, you can be charged for poaching one??????
They cant tell the difference???? And yeah, if you want to use the slippery slope argument that everything fun would end up being illegal eventually, sure. Bird lives matter I am glad they are protected from disappearing.
Well said! I applaud your thinking through so far on this matter, which is more than I can say for the authors of this ridiculously heavy-handed law. It would appear that nearly no thinking went into it at all. This law is an abuse and infringement on our reasonable liberty.
Then how bout this…. First, unless you know you are Anishinaabe, you should not be appropriating culture by making dream catchers. Just take the feathers! This law is absurd and should not be recognized. If you get it home without being caught no one is gonna know. If your related to Ted, I bet he has a different view.
My kid has a right to a bicycle. Because no one would possibly think you killed the bird and then posed the feather on the ground for a photo.
No, wrong. This article is definitely wrong about Canadian Geese. Not only are they legally hunted, taxidermy mounts of them Containing all of the feathers are perfectly legal in both the U.
Verifying the name of the hunter who killed the goose is easily traced through records as well as whether or not that hunter possessed a Federal Waterfowl Stamp to take a goose. The Taxidermist if selling the mount, has to keep a record of the hunter that shot the goose, to prove he had the required permits, licenses to harvest the goose. They get ya coming and going. It seems so wasteful to hit a bird by accident and have to leave it rot, or call the police and ask for a permit for the carcas, can you even get a permit for foul that have run amuck of your front bumper, or do you have to go to jail for not having your car under control when a bird is in flight?
Generally many places have permissions for picking up roadkill excluding a few species as it is considered to serve the public good. I collect feathers that are on the ground, I have no idea who they once belonged to. Unfortunately the laws are made to protect birds from being slaughtered by bird murderous assholes who greedy want to profit. There should not be laws restricting Americans from performing completely mundane and harmless activities. This article is wrong about Canada Geese.
They are a game bird with a hunting season. If having A feather is illegal how can you keep ALL of the feathers as a taxidermy mount??? Which by the way is perfectly legal in both the U. I keep feathers I find all the time. But I definitely see why there is such a law place, though it does go overboard. Over eagles were killed. It sucks that we have such laws but we still need them. You are still technically required to have paperwork. Few years ago, feds decided to harass Natives at a pow wow, and most did not have paperwork for their feathers.
The bust you mentioned, similar happened on the Yakama rez, Native couple were poaching and taking orders for golden eagle feathers and parts. I can understand birds that are on the endangered species list and also in the U. Give me a break though…I find blue jay feathers and many other kinds in my yard or on walks. If we find a dead bird we call it in because of the west nile virus and the city or county deals with it. I will keep taking my gifts where I find them…Thank-you very much!
Agreed, Annabella. They come, they brood, they lay eggs, and at the proper time a guy from the state comes and bands the chicks, which are the size of chickens and have really healthy lungs. And during the course of all this, the parents provide food for them, so the plaza around the building is often littered with the remnants of their hunts — a whole wing, a foot, a head, and of course feathers.
I call these snackbirds. In my cubicle I have a few feathers from the falcons and one from a yellow snackbird, all of which I found while walking around the grounds, except for a bit of fluff I picked up off the floor after a banding.
The law is ridiculous. I love birds and would never hurt them, for feathers or any other reason. I get why protections need to be in place, because people are pigs, but for a kid, or me, a pretty feather is like a gift. My little collage is staying where it is.
The law is mainly enacted to prevent poaching of birds but yes there are game rangers that will push the letter of the law to ridiculous extremes. Not true! The law applies to all migratory, native species. The exceptions are for people with permits.
All the birds you listed are migratory native species. Do your homework. Farm-raised domestic geese, which are also slaughtered for food. In china, where they breed geese for down and most of the down feathers in the U. They panic, cry, fight, or shutdown. There is no way for them to get away. They do this repeatedly to the goose every time the feathers grow back or until the goose is dead.
They treat the animals horribly, e en the baby chicks. The living conditions are horrendous and sad. Yes, it is illegal to pull feathers from a live animal anywhere in the world, but they do it anyway for the sake of money. It is difficult to regulate.
Look it up on youtube or on google. It is sick. I will never purchase anything with down again. I am certainly all in for whacking poachers of our birds of prey, but I think it is really nuts to find a person guilty for simply having a feather. It is stating that you are guilty of some crime, even before you have the opportunity to prove yourself innocent. In other words, every criminal is presumed innocent until proven guilty…except some folks that have an eagle feather.
It really is nuts, and completely unfair. I live on the Potomac River in Southern Maryland where there is a large and active population of eagles.