In her upcoming four-part exclusive YouTube documentary, Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil , Lovato pulls back the curtain on her years-long battle with sobriety.
In , Lovato suffered a drug overdose that nearly took her life. At 28 years old, Lovato has already experienced her share of mental health and substance use issues.
A star since childhood, Lovato quickly shed her squeaky-clean Disney image, transforming into a soulful, husky-voiced, and empowered pop maven. But beneath the glamorous surface, the struggles continue, having battled a devastating eating disorder since childhood, struggled with self-harm , and suffered under the weight of crushing mental health issues.
Her coping method? Drug and alcohol use. Despite bouts of substance abuse, Lovato got sober in and stayed that way for six years. That is, until she relapsed back into substance use and bulimia in , shortly before her near-fatal overdose. She also stated that she suffered brain damage as a result of the overdose. Although Lovato survived the event, it was a close call. Drugs and alcohol destroyed her, but at times, she felt like they were saving her life.
Forgot your password? Speak now. Discuss Celebrity Demi Lovato. Why did Demi Lovato go into rehab when she was 18? Asked by I. Muller , Last updated: Oct 17, Post Your Answer. Milica Answered Jan 04, Because of a substance abuse problem. Always excited to learn and talk about new topics. Continue Reading. Write Your Answer. Why is Demi Lovato prone to depression?
Why is Demi Lovato's career suffering? What drugs is Demi Lovato addicted to? News that the day of her overdose, "She had been partying for 12 straight hours and it caught up with her. This was going on for a few weeks and the warning signs were there.
She slipped up and thought she could handle it. This is obviously a huge wake-up call. Since Lovato's relapse, friends and family have been vocal about their support for her. She kept her feelings rather private, but her affection for her friend was very apparent.
She told the magazine, "All I'm saying is, I reached out personally. I didn't do a public thing. I didn't want to. I…I love her. I've known her since I was 7.
So…it's…that's what I'll say. A source told E! News at the time that Gomez was " very upset and emotional " when she heard about the news. On Sept. According to her interview, she learned about the overdose from Lovato's assistant Kelsey Kershner.
De La Garza revealed her daughter "was in bad shape" when she arrived at Cedars, but praying helped her get through those difficult few days. On Oct. Bolling and De La Garza discussed the opioid epidemic and their involvement in trying to put an end to it. She captioned a throwback photo of them, "today could have been one of the worst days of my life, but instead i get to spend it thanking God, the incredible doctors, demi's team, and everyone across the world who offered their support - without all of these people i wouldn't have my big sister anymore.
Lovato went to rehab in when she was 18 for "emotional and physical issues," which turned out to be substance abuse, bulimia and self-harm. She discussed her drug use in her documentary, Simply Complicated, which painted a very candid image of her addiction and relationships. She said of her cocaine use, "I loved it. I felt out of control with coke the first time that I did it.