It was because she was once an escort. Angelea told TMZ today that she worked as an escort for a year. She claimed that she disclosed this to a producer ahead of the season, but that a casting director didn't engage her about it until after the finale was shot. Cycle 17 was terrible for a variety of reasons , but the bizarre ending was perhaps the worst. After the rest of the finale was filmed in Crete, judging was held in Los Angeles, with Tyra Banks revealing that Angelea had been disqualified.
Afterward, it was confirmed by Angelea herself that she actually won the season — hence the need for a refilmed finale. She was only 90 lbs. She was 29 years old.
For the first time I will go into more detail than usual with this question. Your email address will not be published. Vape info All about vaping. You might be interested: Question: Why is there no cure for cold sores? Related Posts. So…what the heck happened? MORE: So which model all-star did come out on top? And that was all the explanation viewers received. Which, pending further elaboration from either the network or Angelea, might be all the explanation they can expect.