Why automation is good

Why did this industry develop, and why is it so successful? Because people now have the leisure time to play video games, the money to buy them, and the need for quality entertainment. Is it true that this time is different? Technology is taking over tasks that are not primarily physical but intellectual — such as some aspects of the practice of law and of medicine.

Humans are good at making plans and decisions in difficult situations, but not at making sense of large amounts of data — and computers are good at exactly the opposite. Advancements in AI and software are great, but they mean nothing without active human engagement. For example, lawyers must be able to come up with solutions to very specific and complex problems with many variables, and they must be able to communicate their views in a variety of ways, depending on whether they are talking to a client, a judge, or opposing counsel.

Doctors have to analyze and integrate a wide array of factors, from physical symptoms to psychological aspects, in order to reach a diagnosis, and then they must have the ability to communicate with nonexpert patients. It is important that we understand that automation is not our enemy and that, in order to thrive, each of us must be willing to take responsibility for our career and life. That responsibility entails actively thinking long-range, assessing our options for employment, and pursuing an education in the emerging industries.

However, this requires that individuals are free politically to do all of this. So long as they are, it is foolish to think that technological advances will mean the end of the job market. But we need to be entrepreneurial and willing to take risks. We must be willing to take action and move forward, as opposed to sitting idle, complaining that a robot might one day take our job. If you fail to take that responsibility, you can expect to be left behind in a fast-moving labor market.

For example, imagine a typist in the early s, witnessing the rise of personal computers and word processors and realizing that typewriters are going to become obsolete. He faces a choice. A smart step for him to take would be to learn the new technology and become proficient in operating, for instance, Microsoft Office. A wide array of more productive and better-paying job opportunities would open up for him, such as creating Excel spreadsheets and documents in Word.

The wider point is that the source of technology is the human mind — the best within it. Automation is a form of innovation and we should accept it, value it, and be eager to adapt to it. It enables us to flourish. Human ingenuity is unlimited — who knows what industries will be created in the future, and the jobs that those industries will require?

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Most businesses have redundant tasks that require additional labor. Sure, the initial cost of creating a custom automation solution might be higher than actually hiring someone. However, automation is an investment that pays for itself over time.

When your business grows, your new tools can easily adapt to this change, instead of having to hire more and more people, and adding to your business expenses. If you want to keep your client satisfaction rates high, you must automate as many of your business processes as possible. The reason for that is quite simple, which is the fact that machines are more reliable. The result is more consistent results that keep your clients satisfied. Knowing that a business will deliver the exact same great result every time is something that keeps clients happy.

If you want consistency in the quality of your services, business automation will help you achieve that. Scaling a business can be a complicated process. The more manual process your business has, the harder it is to scale that business. When you automate your processes though, scalability becomes easier.

All you have to do is make sure that your systems can accommodate that growth. Another added benefit to business automation solutions is that they allow your team to collaborate better. You might think that this automation results in poor teamwork. When repeated tasks are automated, your staff will have more time to focus on things that matter. When all of your business processes have to be done manually, your team will have to dedicate all of their efforts just to keep things moving.

When a business is automated and streamlined properly, you know exactly what everyone is responsible for.

This is something that comes as a result of having clear, well-defined tasks, with all the minor tasks automated. When these tasks are automated, you end up with the few important tasks that staff members are directly responsible for.

Automated and digitalized processes are much easier to track. Your system knows exactly the time, effort and resources required to carry out a specific task.


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