It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. If I set the Windows taskbar to auto-hide, then applications realize that they have that extra space and stretch their window a bit to fill the whole screen.
However, when I do pull the taskbar up, it overlaps part of the window. This is mainly a problem because if I accidentally bring up the taskbar, it covers things I'm trying to interact with. I suppose an easy one would be to implement a delay in the time it takes for the taskbar to appear after bringing your cursor to the edge of the screen, but I'm open to anything. I really don't know why it happens but you can fix it by only restarting explorer.
Auto-hiding Taskbar will always overlap over the window. You can often solve the problem by moving the taskbar from bottom edge of the screen to top, left or right edge. Also, there are solutions with help of keyboard, but they require more specific description of what operation you want to perform edit your question and describe your task more in detail if you are interested.
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Learn more. Is there a way to stop the windows taskbar from overlapping windows? Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 9 months ago. Active 3 months ago. Viewed 18k times. Is there a solution to this?
Improve this question. James Skemp 1 1 gold badge 6 6 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. This is catch You will of course not see the part that is covered by the taskbar. Check if you can still see the taskbar in fullscreen mode while watching videos or playing games on your computer. Quick Fix. A reliable option when it comes to hiding issues of the Windows 10 taskbar is to restart the Explorer process.
Locate the Windows Explorer process under processes, and click on it with the left mouse button. Fix 2 — Disable Task View from Taskbar 1. Right click on the Taskbar. Click on Show Task View button if it is ticked to hide it. You can keep the taskbar in one place by locking it, which can prevent accidental moving or resizing. If you unlock it, you can drag the taskbar to resize or move it to the bottom, left or right side, or top of your display s.
This keyboard shortcut has been around forever and lets you switch between all of your active windows and the desktop without using Aero.