Education of a colonial system has destroyed the natural emulation of a grand path towards self-actualisation. Most educated Hindus have forgotten their roots, divine knowledge base, cultural supremacy, civilisational edge and have surrendered timidly to the mass-customised, colonial education system and materialistic baits of western culture. The slavery is relentless till date and unfortunately, most Hindus have been conditioned to defend the wrong and detest the right even now.
There is not a single reason to hate Hindus, either in India or anywhere in the world. The practitioners of Hindu Dharma have only added immense positive value to the world. Hindus across the world continue to add intrinsic and extrinsic value to the societies they live in. Hindus neither preach nor practice violence and hate.
So, why hate and attack them for nothing? Those practicing Hindu Dharma have a responsibility to understand the civilisational glory, core values, expansive ancient knowledge. Hindus must ensure this Hindu Sanathana Dharma is not referred to as a religion and equated with other religions. Many future conflicts can be averted with this accountable global pursuit.
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Interested in blogging for thehansindia. We will be happy to have you on board as a blogger. He was born with a human head but after Shiva cut that one off he had to make do with an elephant one. Like Catholics and Protestants. Sunni and Shia. Hinduism has these too. Smartas follow sacred texts, like the Puranas and the Ramayana and Mahabharata rather than the Vedas.
They worship five gods and goddesses: Ganesha, Durga, Surya, Shiva, and a preferred avatar of Vishnu. Hindus believe that dharma keeps the balance in the universe. Avatars are gods that descend to earth to intervene whenever help is needed to restore dharma.
For example, when the Earth was dragged underneath the ocean Vishnu descended to Earth as the avatar Varaha , a boar, and dragged the Earth back out. In other cases, Vishnu was born on Earth as an avatar, like Rama or Krishna. People see it as an oppressive system that locks people in place based on their birth and for a huge part of history that is what it has been, unfortunately.
In Hinduism, there are 4 castes or classes that you can be born into. The main basis for the caste system can be found in the Bhagavad Gita and Rig Veda. The Rig Veda also refers to the four castes. It says humans were created from parts of the god Purusha. The brahmin from his face, the Kshatriya his arms, the vaishya his thighs, and the shudra his feet.
If someone had to qualities of a Brahmin or Vaishya they could fill those roles. Popularly referred to as the Manu Smrti, they created hard rules for Hindu life. The modern world has brought changes though.
Now Hindus mix freely while working together in the same businesses, attending the same schools, and generally just living together. But this too is changing and on Hindu dating websites you can see people list a non-preference for caste. Hinduism is too diverse, too deep, and means too many different things to different people.
Chandravanshi Inc. Home English History. Nishant Chandravanshi February 12, pm 3. So what is Hinduism? As dates in Hinduism are very controversial. But one thing is certain. Hinduism is old. Hinduism has been around so long that it and the concept of India are inseparable.
A formless, genderless, source of all reality. Brahman is the universe and the material that makes up the universe. Think of Brahman as an ocean and everything else as drops propelling out of that ocean. The four permissible goals in Hinduism are kama, artha, dharma and moksha , with each goal being more important than those before it. In Western terms, kama can be remembered as the pursuit of pleasure.
It encompasses the human desires for passion and emotion. Followers believe there are multiple paths to reaching their god. Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation and karma the universal law of cause and effect. The 33 Million Gods of Hinduism. Why Hindus worship so many gods and goddesses is a real mystery for most people. In the West, where the mass majority of people are part of the Abrahamic faith tradition with one God, the concept of polytheism is nothing more than fantasy or mythology worthy of comic book material.
Prominent themes in Hindu beliefs include the four Puru? Hinduism : The View of Other Religions. Hinduism is very religiously tolerant in that it views all other religions as different paths to the same goal.
For Hindus honestly believe that Christ is a reincarnation of their own god Shiva or goddess Kali. Hindus actually only believe in one God , Brahman, the eternal origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence. The gods of the Hindu faith represent different forms of Brahman. Most Hindus have a personal god or godess such as Shiva, Krishna or Lakshmi to whom they pray regularly.
Hinduism is more a way of life than a form of thought. It insists not on religious conformity but on a spiritual and ethical outlook in life. It is fellowship of all who accept the law of right and earnestly seek for the truth.
Hinduism allows its follower to choose freely his own way of life. Hindu worship is primarily an individual act rather than a communal one, as it involves making personal offerings to the deity.
In the epic poem Mahabharata , the Pandavas represent dharma in life and the Kauravas represent adharma. Hinduism accepts the concept of reincarnation, and what determines the state of an individual in the next existence is karma which refers to the actions undertaken by the body and the mind.
This involves doing what is right for the individual, the family, the class, or caste and also for the universe itself. Dharma is like a cosmic norm and if one goes against the norm, it can result in bad karma. So, dharma affects the future according to the karma accumulated. Therefore one's dharmic path in the next life is the one necessary to bring to fruition all the results of past karma. According to the Bhagavat Purana , righteous living or life on a dharmic path has four aspects: austerity tap , purity shauch , compassion daya and truthfulness satya ; and adharmic or unrighteous life has three vices: pride ahankar , contact sangh , and intoxication madya.
The essence of dharma lies in possessing a certain ability, power, and spiritual strength. The strength of being dharmic also lies in the unique combination of spiritual brilliance and physical prowess. Manusmriti written by the ancient sage Manu, prescribes 10 essential rules for the observance of dharma: Patience dhriti , forgiveness kshama , piety, or self control dama , honesty asteya , sanctity shauch , control of senses indraiya-nigrah , reason dhi , knowledge or learning vidya , truthfulness satya and absence of anger krodha.
Manu further writes, "Non-violence, truth, non-coveting, purity of body and mind, control of senses are the essence of dharma". Therefore dharmic laws govern not only the individual but all in society. The purpose of dharma is not only to attain a union of the soul with the supreme reality, it also suggests a code of conduct that is intended to secure both worldly joys and supreme happiness.