How can esd damage computer components

Others estimate the actual cost of ESD damage to the electronics industry as running into the billions of dollars annually.

It is critical to be aware of the most sensitive items being handled in your factory. As electronic technology advances, electronic circuitry gets progressively smaller.

As the size of components is reduced, so is the microscopic spacing of insulators and circuits within them, increasing their sensitivity to ESD. As you can predict, the need for proper ESD protection increases every day.

What is ESD and what damages can it cause? Follow article. Unwinding a roll of tap can generate an electrostatic charge The simple separation of two surfaces can cause the transfer of electrons between surfaces resulting in one surface being positively and the other one negatively charged. Examples in daily life: Lightning, creating lots of heat and light The occasional zap felt when reaching for a door knob The occasional zap felt when sliding out of a car and touching the door handle Have you felt the zap before?

Share this post. Like Follow article. Desco Europe is the newest brand in the Desco Industries family, consolidating our two previous UK-based brands, Charleswater and Vermason.

Desco Europe sells the full range of DII products, manufactured in our facilities in the USA and UK, servicing the European market via trained distributors who will sell the Desco Europe value package and complete ESD solution to all ESD users in their territory, leading with hi-end solutions that mark us out from the competition.

Comments Add a comment. DesignSpark Electrical Logo linkedin. Antistatic Wrist Strap : When working inside a computer case, one of the most important tools that you should have available is an antistatic wrist strap. Click here to view some anti-static wrist straps. Damage to your computer can be prevented if you use an antistatic wrist strap.

This strap fits on your wrist See Diagram A while working on your computer components and has a wire attachment with an alligator clip which is connected to your case.

A CPU Heat Sink being installed Antistatic Bag : If you are removing a component for an extended period of time while you are building your computer, you should store the component in an antistatic bag. You should try to keep some of these bags to put your expansion cards and computer parts in while working on your computer. Click here to get some antistatic bags.

Conclusion Static Electricity is the No. You should always use an antistatic wrist strap or some other method of preventing ElectroStatic Discharge ESD when working on your computer to prevent damage to the components.

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All Rights Reserved. Related Pages Searching for information? The problem with ESD as it relates to computers is that humans don't feel ESD transfers less than 3, volts, but most electronic computer devices are sensitive to charges at less than half of this level.

So, when you work on the internal components of your computer, you may damage the components in the computer via ESD, and not even feel it. When working on the inside of a computer, you should always take the most conservative precautions available to help prevent damage from ESD. Many computer shops sell special wristbands which aid in grounding you while working on computers. Furthermore, most devices you purchase e.

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